Covid Update Information

Covid Update

The health, safety and wellbeing of our clients and support team are paramount and after reviewing guidance from the government and health care professionals, we have put in place additional protocols and procedures to mitigate the risks of COVID-19.

We are continuing to provide quality and compassionate services to our clients throughout the pandemic and lockdown periods and will do everything in our power to keep clients and our fellow support team members safe.

Hygiene practices are regularly reviewed, and we will communicate any changes in advice and guidance to the support team, as required.

Our Support Staff

All our support team wear face masks and/or visors and are always well equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and suitable hand sanitiser. All our support team have recently completed hygiene training and regularly wash their hands. Protective gloves may also be worn when and where required.

The Team will be washing uniforms on a daily basis to minimise cross-contamination and cross-infection and as the work day is finished, they follow a cleansing protocol prior to returning to their family.

Changes to Clients

To keep our clients and the client’s family safe, we have made amendments to our home cleaning and domestic services, where we try to ensure our client is not present in the room we are cleaning.

As part of our Befriender service, our support staff will generally have to be seated 2 meters away from the client and be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes of closer contact, (such as sitting next to them in a car), where necessary.

In the event of a client or visiting family member feeling unwell with coronavirus symptoms or tests positive, please call our office immediately. This is to ensure that our Support Team is aware and kept safe and additional restrictive measures can be put in place where possible.

Any symptoms or positive case from a Support Team member or family living with them, will require that the Support Team Member self-isolates and is tested as per the government guidelines, before resuming work. Clients and visiting family members will be notified immediately if any clients are visited within the potential infection period.

Thank you for your support. Stay Safe.

Jemma Mitchell – Owner